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Fully responsive, user-friendly website for North Carolina food delivery service Takeout Central.

Laptop showing the Takeout Central website
Takeout Central logo

Takeout Central, a popular restaurant delivery service available in larger cities throughout North Carolina, came to us to redesign their website. Wanting the look and feel of a trendy startup, we created a fully responsive site with an awesome user interface, essential for a company whose business is defined by online ordering.

The customer’s experience begins with an alphabetically organized menu page, complete with Yelp reviews. Much attention was paid to the customer’s ability to customize orders, a key Takeout Central selling point. With each selection, customers can make item-specific decisions such as level of spiciness and choice of sides. Another popular feature is that customers have the ability to have items labeled with a person’s name. A sidebar shopping basket calculates the order’s subtotal, tax and service. In addition to engaging customers, the site’s splash page is an important marketing tool for attracting business accounts, drivers and new restaurants. There is also a private dashboard where drivers can schedule shifts, generate invoices and receive feedback from restaurants and customers.

Visit the Site
Desktop view of the Takeout Central website Customer rating page from the Takeout Central website Delivery time page from the Takeout Central website
McAlister's Deli menu from the Takeout Central website Drivers application from the Takeout Central website

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