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Rivers Agency interns' profiles on LinkedIn

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a marketing intern at an established, innovative marketing agency? Before joining the Rivers team, I always dreamed of working at an agency. Exciting projects. A buzzing atmosphere. Collaboration with talented professionals. These elements, along with the anticipated learning experience and introduction to client relations had me hooked. 

I’m the type of person that has countless interests. We’ve all experienced it one way or another: doing the same thing every day gets boring. What drew me to the agency lifestyle was the ability to work with a variety of industries and businesses, and I was able to do exactly that and more as a marketing intern at Rivers Agency. 

A Typical Day

During these COVID times, my day may go a little like this. As I make my way into the office, I’ll wash my hands, check my temperature and greet a couple of the friendly faces who are working in the office. Next, I get logged onto my computer to see where the day’s work will take me. While I get organized at one of the desks beside the massive windows lining West Rosemary Street, I check my email and the intern spreadsheet for projects to work on and start my day. Today could consist of testing a new website, conducting research on LinkedIn ads, creating media lists, drafting social media strategy or writing a blog post. 

Or, the day could take a completely different route. I may come in expecting to spend the day conducting research, but then a more pressing project might come up. Before I know it, I could find myself helping out with a photoshoot or delivering important documents to a client. 

As you can see, it’s hard to describe a typical day as a Rivers intern because no day is the same. Every day will keep you on your toes. In my opinion, that’s the beauty of working at an agency. 

An internship at Rivers allows you to experience firsthand the dynamic, fast-paced environment that comes with working at an agency. Ideas are called out and brainstormed. Opinions and collaboration are valued. Tasks come up that become an immediate team priority. As a current intern during the COVID pandemic, I can only imagine what it’s like when the office is full and bustling with all of the creatives, designers and developers working together. Even though it’s a bit more empty than usual, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work in the office safely and catch a glimpse of this joint effort with the few employees who are here. The good news: I’m never bored. It’s rare that I find myself doing the same thing more than once.

Endless Opportunities

Here at Rivers, the opportunities to expand your skill sets are endless. Want to learn something new? All you have to do is ask. Every employee at Rivers is more than willing to provide you with projects, equip you with all the necessary resources and help you learn new skills. 

I’ve learned things during my time at Rivers that I never thought would be important to know. Need to use QuickBooks for invoices, scan documents with the fancy printer or upload and monitor job postings on LinkedIn? Safe to say I can handle it. Before these tasks were put on my plate at Rivers, these were skills I would have never thought twice to learn. Yet in the long run, these assignments that were once learning endeavors will become simple, readily-available enhancements of expertise for any jobs I hold in the future. 

Another added benefit is experience with an array of clients. Interning at the agency in no way means you’re just learning about Rivers; you’re truly getting to know the clients and what they do too. Each day brings a new project with a different client, opening up opportunities from presence in meetings to physical project contributions. Rivers’ diverse clientele, ranging from banks and learning centers to art museums and higher education, ensures that you will be able to work with an assortment of companies. 

If I’m being honest, I never imagined that I would be conducting research about the soil health industry or helping to grow the Twitter following of a pesticide company. Even more so, I’ve found that I genuinely enjoy digging into these unknown territories. Through this internship, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the different industries I’m able to collaborate with and welcome any and all kinds of learning opportunities. 

Final Thoughts

The best thing about being an intern at Rivers Agency is that the Rivers team makes you feel like more than just an intern. You’re given real work that will actually make a difference with each client. The hours of research conducted, blogs written or deliverables proofed will go to the client to help them increase their brand awareness, gain exposure or solve whatever problem they’re faced with. You’re also given specific, actionable feedback to help you improve your work and find success with future projects.

One of my favorite projects I’ve worked on at Rivers Agency is the “Help Me, Wear a Mask” public service campaign. Over the last few months, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to the PSA at several points, from conducting research on best practices for PSA distribution to proofing, adding SEO to and uploading Youtube video spots. I’ve drafted email copy to editors and producers, and sent emails to over 600 stations across the country to finally land an interview on the highest rated news program in Los Angeles. Not only did I learn how to push forward a PSA campaign, but I also gained experience working one-on-one with a client. The opportunity to work on a project that was so relevant to the times we live in was invaluable experience that I could only receive here at Rivers. 

With “Help Me,” I got experience of what it’s like working on a project that you’re passionate about. Since working here at Rivers, I have found that passion is what drives real, lasting success. As an intern, you see firsthand how the agency works to build connections and deepen relationships with its clients. In the same way Rivers works for the success of clients, they also work for the success of their interns by welcoming us onto the team, providing real-world work and creating endless learning opportunities.


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